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Wednesday, 20 February 2013


If for Christ's sake we are martyred,
From all our family and friends departed,
Then do we glow with Christ's pure light,
Leading the lost through the world of night!

A flower when crushed by one's fist
Spreads its perfume fragrant sweet
Not avenging, but showing its love
To the one who smashed it from above

Christ was like a crushed flower
Though mocked and beaten by the Roman power
"Forgive them Father", was what He prayed, 
And from the Cross His loving incense sprayed.

Thus amidst all persecution we shall pray, 
"Forgive them Father" for what they do and say

~~Crystal David JohnA

(This Poem was published in The Forerunner in 1982)

Monday, 18 February 2013


In great agony,
At Gethsemane, 
Your painful cry and plea, 
Was for me.

In sorrow and pain, 
And in utter shame,
You bore this awful bane, 
All for me.

                   Thorns did pierce your head, 
Blood did mark your tread, 
As to Calvary you were led, 
All for me.

A sword pierced your side, 
And as you mother cried, 
On the cross you bled and died
All for me.

You rose from the dead, 
Just as you had said, 
Now above, with the God head -
You plead for me
~~ Crystal David John
(This poem has been published in the Light of Life Oct. 1993, p. 45)

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Never be discouraged,
When you face troubles
For great joy is received
In overcoming them.

With no hesitation
Roses always grow
To fullness of beauty
Though there are thorns below

So does the lotus flower
That  in the slush thrives,
From such circumstances
It, it's beauty derives.

Where ever you are placed
Be the guiding star
Helping folks by the way                                              That is the best by far.
~~Crystal David John

Monday, 11 February 2013


With God's help I can scale a wall....(Ps. 18:29)
For He is my All in All.
The task may be extremely tough,
But His grace is just enough!

With His help I can climb a hill, 
For He doth courage instill
My God never ever falters,
As He draws me from deep waters....(Ps. 18:16)

And when no more hope I can see,
He stoops down toe exalt me....(Ps. 18: 35)
He turns my darkness into light
In Thee Lord, do I delight!

With God's help I will never fail, 
For constantly He is near
~~ Crystal David John

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Lord please listen as I pray, 
As the day  fades away. 
As the stars are pinned on high,
On the darkened night sky.  

In the quiet of the night,
With all work out of sight, 
I ask you to watch and keep 
In the hours of my sleep. 

Jesus Saviour wash away,
All the errors of today. 
Help me every day to be, 
Honest and Thorough like Thee 

Forgive me if by mistake, 
Your ideals I did forsake .
And as the night creeps away, 
Help me cope with the next day. 

Crystal David John 6/2/2013: 1.30 am

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Lord of the Impossible,
Came down to die at Calvary.
Born in a primitive stable,
Just to save humanity.

Lord of the Impossible,
You changed water into wine, 
And surely you are able,
To sanctify this life of mine.

Lord of the Impossible, 
You once calmed the tempestuous sea
And even now you are capable
From trouble to set me free.

Lord of the Impossible,
You enabled the dumb to talk,
Sending away men who were crippled,
Making them to run and walk.

God of the Impossible,
Grant me the faith to always see
That when no hope is visible, 
All is possible with Thee.

~~ Crystal David John


When life seems without a ray,
And you often cease to pray.
When the cross is too heavy
And you are faint and weary
Look for Him - He's by your side

When everything seems to fail
And the ship does not sail.
When the shore is out of sight ,
And the waves are hard to fight--
Look for Him midst the tide.

Through stretches of desert sands,
Blinded alleys and barren lands.
When the mountain is too high
And no help is nigh --
Look for Jesus, He is your guide.

When the path ahead is long,
And you've tired and forlorn.
When the course of tough to trace,
And all you need is God's grace --
Look for Him He is close beside.

When your life's in confusion, 
Your plans - a mere illusion.
When all friends have forsaken, 
And you have been mistaken.
Look for Him He does abide.

~~Crystal David John
(This poem was published in the Light of Life August 1994, p. 20)


Christmas is an exciting time, 
When festivity fills the air, 
There is great joy and merriment,
As for  this season we prepare.

Its the birthday of Christ Jesus - 
Our God's only begotten Son, 
Thus prompting us to celebrate
His birth, with gaiety and fun.

Much importance is oft given, 
To the well adorned Christmas tree,
But all of us should realize
That the cross, too is a tree!

Just look beyond that mean manger, 
And reflect on that awful tree - 
Then the purpose of Jesus' birth, 
Will surely dawn on you and me,

The rugged cross of Calvary,
Is the oft forgotten tree,
But 'twas on that ancient gibbet, 
Christ died for all humanity.

Hence during this festive season,
Its important for all to see---
That the events at Bethlehem
Were completed at Calvary.

(Was published in the December 1993 Light of Life p. 9)

~~Crystal David John



My sins did Jesus bear, 
When He died on the tree
What else can this show
But love beyond degree?

The pain was so intense,
When there, he bled for me.
God's grace is abundant
His love beyond degree

Who could bestow such grace
On a sinner like me? 
Its only God, who can
Love me beyond degree.

~~Crystal David John :) 

Friday, 1 February 2013


Many folks live pretentious lives. Jesus called Pharisees and Sadducees hypocrites; now who is a hypocrite? It is a person who imagines being one thing, while being another, pretend to be pious and good, soft spoken, gentle and a peace lover, but is just the opposite within. A person, who pretends to believe certain doctrines, professes the same, while the heart disbelieves them, a person in short who is a scoundrel, and knows it, but who does not intend others to know it: who will deceive others but not himself or herself.

However there is also another category of a hypocrite, a more common one by far, and that is the hypocrite who not only deceives others, but deceives oneself likewise; the hypocrite is astonished that you should think him or her hypocritical. A charlatan is also a person who loves to paint oneself as the best, the most experienced, and methodical, a person with innumerable values embodied in his or her person hood but when it comes to practical living and actual work does nothing at all. The tools used often are twins: backbiting and gossiping. Well in this competitive world full of jealousy, greed and envy, we must be aware of such evils that loom all around! Let us be careful of these twin evil darts that can get hurled at us. It is also important that we don’t use such darts on others and destabilize them. It is always better to be absolutely straightforward even if the risk factor is great.

Backbiting is to speak against someone behind his/her back with an evil heart. This is absolutely wicked in the sight of God. The term backbiting refers to a form of slander that is made not to a person’s face but behind their backs. It is so because the accuser is either shaming, or lacks the moral courage to make the accusations directly to the one they are finding fault with. King David referred to backbiting by means of the Hebrew word ‘Raw gal’ which means spying or tattling. Gossiping helps get an ego boost from the mistakes or embroidered/misrepresented so called errors of others. It makes one feel superior and perfect. Gossip and backbiting are also tools used by a hypocrite to split up friends, working groups and teams, disrupts work in an institution and demolishes marriages, parties and governments. Such is the attributes of humans, animals often are so much better than us. I am sure that just as we tell ourselves – ‘don’t have the animal spirit’ or ‘don’t behave like a wild animal’ animals in turn might be advising their folks not to live like humans or behave like humans !!!

Most of the trouble in the world today is set rolling by the activities of backbiters and backstabbers. They may be faceless and nameless in this planet inhabited by myriad humans, but they are there to destroy peace and harmony. In fact they are one of the most trusted agents of the Devil.

~~ Crystal David John :)