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Monday, 28 January 2013


Seen the little flowers
That bloom along the way?
Heard the little birds
That sing all day?

Felt the green grass
Soft  ‘neath your feet?
Seen the setting of leaves
On branches so neat?

Seen the little bee,
Visiting flower from flower?
Never getting tires
Working hour by hour

Seen a buffalo?
Look into her eyes
Its depth you’ll never know
Nor what thought in them lies

Try and trace the bird,
When from the tree it sings,
Seen the different colors,
Painted on its wings?

Seen the tall palms,
Swaying in the breeze?
Counted the branches,
On the different trees?

Seen the little plants,
That grow on a hill side?
Tho’ on a steep slope,
By faith they do abide

Though unnoticed
Are such details, by all
God sure is meticulous,
In all things great and small.

~~ Crystal David John