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Tuesday 29 January 2013


In great agony
At Gethsemane,
A man's painful cry and plea,
Was for me.

In sorrow and pain,
And in utter shame,
A man bore his awful bane
Al for me.

Thorns did pierce his head,
 Blood did mark his tread,
AS to Calv'ry He was led
All for me.

A sword pierced His side
And as His mother cried
On the cross He bled and died
All for me.

He rose from the dead, 
Just as He had said,
Now with the God Head
He pleads for me.

~~ Crystal David John
This poem was published in the LIGHT of LIFE OCTOBER 1993, P. 45 :)


The greatest plan drafted,
Was at Calvary,
When God planned to rescue
All of us from misery.

The greatest love was shown,
There at Calvary,
When Christ was crucified,
For a sinner like me.

The greatest gift given,
Was at Calvary,
Where God sent His Son
To die in agony.

The greatest price was paid,
There at Calvary,
Where Christ gave His life
For all humanity.

The greatest Vict'ry won,
Was at Calvary,
Where Jesus conquered death, 
By dying on the tree

Great lives can start,
There at Calvary
For by God's grace
All sinners are set free.

~~ Crystal David John


At the beauty of the night,
Just stand and stare.
At the stillness and silence
You'll forget all stress and care.

The darkness has beauty,
With which none can compare,
No wonder God did not state - -
Let the darkness not be there!

~~ Crystal David John 


God's Holy Spirit,
You are my precious guide
My true comforter,
Constantly by my side.

Come soon and fill me,
And empty all the dross,
That is within me,
And nail them to the Cross.

Help me to know God,
And understand His ways.
In my strength
I cant gaze upon His face.

~~ Crystal David John


It matters not what others do,
As long as I do God's will.
For He is always with me,
Criticize - I'll do it still!

It matters not what others say,
I'll do what God has told me to,
Meticulously I'll do each bit, 
Though none around may agree.

It matters not where others walk,
The road God's laid I will trace,
Though the path is undulating
I can for I have His grace!

~~~Crystal David John


The mist doth clear
And we do see
The warm bright day
That dawns on me.

The bud doth ope
To a fragrant flower
Imparting beauty
Hour by hour

All through the day
The birds do sing
Their sweet music
Great joy doth bring.

The silent moon
Doth peep at night
Spraying down
Its silvery light.

The sky is sprinkled
With  little stars bright
Twinkling constantly
The darkness they fight!

These little things
In God's work of art
Show all of us
the care He imparts.

~~ Crystal David John


With Thy Precious Blood
Cleanse me thoroughly
Extirpate all sin,
That is engrained within me

As gold in heat is refined
And the refining is sure
Clean my soul and mind,
That I may be pure.

Cleaned by Thy sacrifice
Help me be Holy
True and sincere
Living Victoriously!

~~Crystal David John