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Friday 1 November 2013


When God has made this great big earth
Has planned the wonders of our birth,
Does he not then care for you?

When he has flung this earth in space,
Spinning it at a given pace,
Will He not then care for you?

When God does care for sparrows small
Numbering them when each of them fall,
Will he not care more for you?

When He has clothed the lilies fair
Shielding them from the scorching glare
Sure He'll do much more for you!
                                                     ~~Crystal David John


All my time is in God's hand, 
And though I do not understand
My life's commas and full-stops, 
My successes and awful flops, 
I know that my God doth reign, 
Change His plan I 'll strive in vain.
He keeps the times and seasons, 
In His hands are the cause, effect and reasons!
Simply trust in His wonderful care
The path ahead He will prepare.
He loves me without measure
God's grace for me is such a treasure!
~~~ Crystal David John

Wednesday 13 March 2013


In the shadow of God's hand
I dwell secure
For He sustains me 
And his care is sure.

When He upholds me daily
What need I fear? 
All may desert me
But He's always near!

When God's hand is upon me
And I'm hemmed in
Alone I can stand
With His peace within.
~~ Crystal David John

Monday 4 March 2013


All through life we do find
To trust God alone 'tis best,
For God giveth peace of mind, 
And  midst trouble, rest!

Our problems will not cease,
But this our joy, sure will be,
That Thou givest perfect peace,
If we cling on to Thee!

Faith alone stands the test,
While walking in Thy highway,
Trusting Thee alone is best
Living day by day!

~~Crystal David John

Wednesday 20 February 2013


If for Christ's sake we are martyred,
From all our family and friends departed,
Then do we glow with Christ's pure light,
Leading the lost through the world of night!

A flower when crushed by one's fist
Spreads its perfume fragrant sweet
Not avenging, but showing its love
To the one who smashed it from above

Christ was like a crushed flower
Though mocked and beaten by the Roman power
"Forgive them Father", was what He prayed, 
And from the Cross His loving incense sprayed.

Thus amidst all persecution we shall pray, 
"Forgive them Father" for what they do and say

~~Crystal David JohnA

(This Poem was published in The Forerunner in 1982)

Monday 18 February 2013


In great agony,
At Gethsemane, 
Your painful cry and plea, 
Was for me.

In sorrow and pain, 
And in utter shame,
You bore this awful bane, 
All for me.

                   Thorns did pierce your head, 
Blood did mark your tread, 
As to Calvary you were led, 
All for me.

A sword pierced your side, 
And as you mother cried, 
On the cross you bled and died
All for me.

You rose from the dead, 
Just as you had said, 
Now above, with the God head -
You plead for me
~~ Crystal David John
(This poem has been published in the Light of Life Oct. 1993, p. 45)

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Never be discouraged,
When you face troubles
For great joy is received
In overcoming them.

With no hesitation
Roses always grow
To fullness of beauty
Though there are thorns below

So does the lotus flower
That  in the slush thrives,
From such circumstances
It, it's beauty derives.

Where ever you are placed
Be the guiding star
Helping folks by the way                                              That is the best by far.
~~Crystal David John

Monday 11 February 2013


With God's help I can scale a wall....(Ps. 18:29)
For He is my All in All.
The task may be extremely tough,
But His grace is just enough!

With His help I can climb a hill, 
For He doth courage instill
My God never ever falters,
As He draws me from deep waters....(Ps. 18:16)

And when no more hope I can see,
He stoops down toe exalt me....(Ps. 18: 35)
He turns my darkness into light
In Thee Lord, do I delight!

With God's help I will never fail, 
For constantly He is near
~~ Crystal David John

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Lord please listen as I pray, 
As the day  fades away. 
As the stars are pinned on high,
On the darkened night sky.  

In the quiet of the night,
With all work out of sight, 
I ask you to watch and keep 
In the hours of my sleep. 

Jesus Saviour wash away,
All the errors of today. 
Help me every day to be, 
Honest and Thorough like Thee 

Forgive me if by mistake, 
Your ideals I did forsake .
And as the night creeps away, 
Help me cope with the next day. 

Crystal David John 6/2/2013: 1.30 am

Sunday 3 February 2013


Lord of the Impossible,
Came down to die at Calvary.
Born in a primitive stable,
Just to save humanity.

Lord of the Impossible,
You changed water into wine, 
And surely you are able,
To sanctify this life of mine.

Lord of the Impossible, 
You once calmed the tempestuous sea
And even now you are capable
From trouble to set me free.

Lord of the Impossible,
You enabled the dumb to talk,
Sending away men who were crippled,
Making them to run and walk.

God of the Impossible,
Grant me the faith to always see
That when no hope is visible, 
All is possible with Thee.

~~ Crystal David John


When life seems without a ray,
And you often cease to pray.
When the cross is too heavy
And you are faint and weary
Look for Him - He's by your side

When everything seems to fail
And the ship does not sail.
When the shore is out of sight ,
And the waves are hard to fight--
Look for Him midst the tide.

Through stretches of desert sands,
Blinded alleys and barren lands.
When the mountain is too high
And no help is nigh --
Look for Jesus, He is your guide.

When the path ahead is long,
And you've tired and forlorn.
When the course of tough to trace,
And all you need is God's grace --
Look for Him He is close beside.

When your life's in confusion, 
Your plans - a mere illusion.
When all friends have forsaken, 
And you have been mistaken.
Look for Him He does abide.

~~Crystal David John
(This poem was published in the Light of Life August 1994, p. 20)


Christmas is an exciting time, 
When festivity fills the air, 
There is great joy and merriment,
As for  this season we prepare.

Its the birthday of Christ Jesus - 
Our God's only begotten Son, 
Thus prompting us to celebrate
His birth, with gaiety and fun.

Much importance is oft given, 
To the well adorned Christmas tree,
But all of us should realize
That the cross, too is a tree!

Just look beyond that mean manger, 
And reflect on that awful tree - 
Then the purpose of Jesus' birth, 
Will surely dawn on you and me,

The rugged cross of Calvary,
Is the oft forgotten tree,
But 'twas on that ancient gibbet, 
Christ died for all humanity.

Hence during this festive season,
Its important for all to see---
That the events at Bethlehem
Were completed at Calvary.

(Was published in the December 1993 Light of Life p. 9)

~~Crystal David John



My sins did Jesus bear, 
When He died on the tree
What else can this show
But love beyond degree?

The pain was so intense,
When there, he bled for me.
God's grace is abundant
His love beyond degree

Who could bestow such grace
On a sinner like me? 
Its only God, who can
Love me beyond degree.

~~Crystal David John :) 

Friday 1 February 2013


Many folks live pretentious lives. Jesus called Pharisees and Sadducees hypocrites; now who is a hypocrite? It is a person who imagines being one thing, while being another, pretend to be pious and good, soft spoken, gentle and a peace lover, but is just the opposite within. A person, who pretends to believe certain doctrines, professes the same, while the heart disbelieves them, a person in short who is a scoundrel, and knows it, but who does not intend others to know it: who will deceive others but not himself or herself.

However there is also another category of a hypocrite, a more common one by far, and that is the hypocrite who not only deceives others, but deceives oneself likewise; the hypocrite is astonished that you should think him or her hypocritical. A charlatan is also a person who loves to paint oneself as the best, the most experienced, and methodical, a person with innumerable values embodied in his or her person hood but when it comes to practical living and actual work does nothing at all. The tools used often are twins: backbiting and gossiping. Well in this competitive world full of jealousy, greed and envy, we must be aware of such evils that loom all around! Let us be careful of these twin evil darts that can get hurled at us. It is also important that we don’t use such darts on others and destabilize them. It is always better to be absolutely straightforward even if the risk factor is great.

Backbiting is to speak against someone behind his/her back with an evil heart. This is absolutely wicked in the sight of God. The term backbiting refers to a form of slander that is made not to a person’s face but behind their backs. It is so because the accuser is either shaming, or lacks the moral courage to make the accusations directly to the one they are finding fault with. King David referred to backbiting by means of the Hebrew word ‘Raw gal’ which means spying or tattling. Gossiping helps get an ego boost from the mistakes or embroidered/misrepresented so called errors of others. It makes one feel superior and perfect. Gossip and backbiting are also tools used by a hypocrite to split up friends, working groups and teams, disrupts work in an institution and demolishes marriages, parties and governments. Such is the attributes of humans, animals often are so much better than us. I am sure that just as we tell ourselves – ‘don’t have the animal spirit’ or ‘don’t behave like a wild animal’ animals in turn might be advising their folks not to live like humans or behave like humans !!!

Most of the trouble in the world today is set rolling by the activities of backbiters and backstabbers. They may be faceless and nameless in this planet inhabited by myriad humans, but they are there to destroy peace and harmony. In fact they are one of the most trusted agents of the Devil.

~~ Crystal David John :)

Thursday 31 January 2013


The tiny little candle
Shines out in the dark,
Leading the lost through the night
With its small yellow spark.

So too must we, tho’ small
Help others along the way,
Always there to heed their call,
And beside them stay.

Till the end the candle burns
Itself out, with no gripe.
Sincerely lighting the path
With absolutely no hype.

Let us like the candle
Be a light in the dark
Lighted to guide others
Let this be our hallmark.
~~ Crystal David John

Wednesday 30 January 2013


It was a sign at the garden show that stated “MAN EATING FISH” To see such a fearsome monster was a chance in a lifetime and naturally everyone crowded to buy the modest entry ticket to enter the room that housed such a ogre!
However inside they did not find the denizen of the deep instead they saw a man eating Cod – fish chips!! Well taken for a ride? Yes of course – with the sign was indeed deceptive. The meaning derived by most, left them a little taken aback when they entered the room.
So who likes to be taken for a ride? Well very often religion does this to us and we swallow it hook line and sinker! Over and over again religious leaders, crazy traditions, weird norms and practices do this to us. We tend to put on the outer garb of religiosity and law abiders but our hearts are impure and adulterated.

Jesus commanded us not to be like Whitened sepulchers. The Jewish custom was that a month before the Passover, graves were whitened with chalk. Such sepulchers were all over and very religiously they were whitened by using chalk. Jesus referring to this taught the scribes and Pharisees that though the sepulchers were whitened yet inside it only contained unclean stuff. In Mathew 23: 27 and 28 the Lord clearly states “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whitened sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.”

God knew the heart of the scribes and Pharisees very well. Jesus told them in v 28 “Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”
Christ asked us never to be hypocritical. Taking the allegory from the whitened sepulchers he condemned this attitude of the scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees were legalists. God gave the law to help us realize our depravity. The law was a mirror that showed the warts of sin but could not remove them. But the legalists had turned it into a system of works, rules, formal procedure, rituals, and traditions to earn righteousness. They were like the blind leading the blind! They had immense influence over the multitude, and were enraged at any doctrine or trend that challenged their security their leadership and their power.

The world today is full of people, leaders, teachers, and trend setters who are like the Pharisees of the years gone by. A case of the blind being led by the blind - The parable as told by Jesus (Luke 6: 39-42). It deals with several important lessons. It also highlights to us the importance of spiritual acumen, concerning what we are doing, which law we are abiding by, where we are going, who we are leading, and who we are following. It is a warning to us to be wary about false teachers and leaders. Let us not be blind leaders or blind followers. Either way we sin. Jesus was not for this, it was a matter of eternity, and thus what emerged was the SERMON ON THE MOUNT.

Institutions and individuals often have so many rules and regulations, so many of them stand out dated, some have no relevance to the changing times, but continue to be carried on under the fake garb of tradition and culture. I am reminded of a quaint story that fits this vain following of rules with no heart to essentially comply with.

Mullah Nasruddin found a diamond by the road side. However according to the law of the country finders become keepers only if they first announced their find in the center of the market place on three separate occasions. If during one such occurrence, there was a claimant to the find, or anyone else to whom it belonged, then it had to be returned.

Now Nasruddin was a religious law abiding man. He could not by any means disregard the law for then his conscience would prick and he would have to do penance to compensate for the sin of disobeying the law! So on three consecutive nights when he was sure that all were fast asleep he went to the center of the market place and then announced in a soft voice “I have found a diamond on the road that leads to the town. Anyone knowing who the owner is should contact me at once.”

One man who was standing at his window saw what Nasruddin was doing and heard him whispering in the dead of the night. When he attempted to find out what nasruddin was saying the latter told him, “I am in no way obliged to tell you. But this much I shall say: Being a religious man, I went out there at night to pronounce certain words in fulfillment of the law!”

It is vital that we reexamine what is important to our lives as Christians. Let us choose wisely between outwardly religious acts and the sincerity and truth we actually should live by. God sees the heart and humans what is on the outside. Let us place our trust in God and not on people. Salvation we obtain only through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and not by obeying laws, traditions, foolish neither acts of reverence and penitence nor is salvation found in any woman or man.

Please Remember
To be properly wicked
You do not have to break the law
Just keep it to the letter!!!

~~Crystal David John

Tuesday 29 January 2013


In great agony
At Gethsemane,
A man's painful cry and plea,
Was for me.

In sorrow and pain,
And in utter shame,
A man bore his awful bane
Al for me.

Thorns did pierce his head,
 Blood did mark his tread,
AS to Calv'ry He was led
All for me.

A sword pierced His side
And as His mother cried
On the cross He bled and died
All for me.

He rose from the dead, 
Just as He had said,
Now with the God Head
He pleads for me.

~~ Crystal David John
This poem was published in the LIGHT of LIFE OCTOBER 1993, P. 45 :)


The greatest plan drafted,
Was at Calvary,
When God planned to rescue
All of us from misery.

The greatest love was shown,
There at Calvary,
When Christ was crucified,
For a sinner like me.

The greatest gift given,
Was at Calvary,
Where God sent His Son
To die in agony.

The greatest price was paid,
There at Calvary,
Where Christ gave His life
For all humanity.

The greatest Vict'ry won,
Was at Calvary,
Where Jesus conquered death, 
By dying on the tree

Great lives can start,
There at Calvary
For by God's grace
All sinners are set free.

~~ Crystal David John


At the beauty of the night,
Just stand and stare.
At the stillness and silence
You'll forget all stress and care.

The darkness has beauty,
With which none can compare,
No wonder God did not state - -
Let the darkness not be there!

~~ Crystal David John 


God's Holy Spirit,
You are my precious guide
My true comforter,
Constantly by my side.

Come soon and fill me,
And empty all the dross,
That is within me,
And nail them to the Cross.

Help me to know God,
And understand His ways.
In my strength
I cant gaze upon His face.

~~ Crystal David John


It matters not what others do,
As long as I do God's will.
For He is always with me,
Criticize - I'll do it still!

It matters not what others say,
I'll do what God has told me to,
Meticulously I'll do each bit, 
Though none around may agree.

It matters not where others walk,
The road God's laid I will trace,
Though the path is undulating
I can for I have His grace!

~~~Crystal David John


The mist doth clear
And we do see
The warm bright day
That dawns on me.

The bud doth ope
To a fragrant flower
Imparting beauty
Hour by hour

All through the day
The birds do sing
Their sweet music
Great joy doth bring.

The silent moon
Doth peep at night
Spraying down
Its silvery light.

The sky is sprinkled
With  little stars bright
Twinkling constantly
The darkness they fight!

These little things
In God's work of art
Show all of us
the care He imparts.

~~ Crystal David John


With Thy Precious Blood
Cleanse me thoroughly
Extirpate all sin,
That is engrained within me

As gold in heat is refined
And the refining is sure
Clean my soul and mind,
That I may be pure.

Cleaned by Thy sacrifice
Help me be Holy
True and sincere
Living Victoriously!

~~Crystal David John

Monday 28 January 2013


Seen the little flowers
That bloom along the way?
Heard the little birds
That sing all day?

Felt the green grass
Soft  ‘neath your feet?
Seen the setting of leaves
On branches so neat?

Seen the little bee,
Visiting flower from flower?
Never getting tires
Working hour by hour

Seen a buffalo?
Look into her eyes
Its depth you’ll never know
Nor what thought in them lies

Try and trace the bird,
When from the tree it sings,
Seen the different colors,
Painted on its wings?

Seen the tall palms,
Swaying in the breeze?
Counted the branches,
On the different trees?

Seen the little plants,
That grow on a hill side?
Tho’ on a steep slope,
By faith they do abide

Though unnoticed
Are such details, by all
God sure is meticulous,
In all things great and small.

~~ Crystal David John

Wednesday 16 January 2013


Where are the Samaritans

Of  the world today?
People need their help,
As they walk their way
Robbed, stripped and wounded,
They lie their all day
Where are the Samaritans
To help  their pain allay?
Abused children and women,

All cry out in need.
The old and the destitute,
For assistance plead
Wars and guns and atom bombs
Wiping life away
Where are the Samaritans of the world today?

~~Crystal David John